Some days are so much better than others. How much better is dependent on a number of factors but all the factors are centered on only one consideration. Which photo will be My Final Photo?
Days like today are laborious. Difficult because I had several very good photos to choose from. Usually, the choice is easy. The best photo stands out having met all the requirements for a good photo. Good composition, timing, lens choice, active subject, foregrounds and backgrounds that complement the scene, proper colors and contrast, and the three main requirements, that is, being new, different, or better.
There were several photo opportunities of this nine-year-old cleaning bluebird boxes at Hoover. Above is one choice, the boy by himself cleaning a box following instructions from his grandfather who’s off to the side, out of frame, clearing brush from the mowed path.
Shot with a very wide-angle lens it offers good composition. Receding lines along the three poles. Foreground and background that worked well together creating a three-dimensional view. The boy is perched at the top of a short ladder marking action in the photo.
The remainder of this article is for paid subscribers. It shows the rest of the photos I made of the boy and his grandfather and details my process for deciding which of the six photos I made today would become My Final Photo.