First Monday
This is the first Monday in more than a decade when I haven’t made a photo at the Braun Farm property. All the buildings are gone, demolished for progress, progress yet defined.
The buildings were the primary subjects this time of year often used as background for spring flowers and spring planting photos. It’s been too wet for planting and the buildings are gone.
I didn’t even drive by the property.
The photo above is from inside the abandoned gazebo at the Sharp Farm property on Africa Road. The farmland may soon become the property of the city of Westerville which plans to develop the property similar to the way it developed Westar, the neighbor to the west.
In the background are two small barns. I prefer to call them outbuildings. One is missing some of its boards appearing to have been removed by someone who likes weathered barn siding. Also missing is the deer skull that once hung on a nail in the siding.
I might make the Sharp Farm my new Monday ritual. It remains one of Westerville’s working farms with hay and timber as crops.
Paid subscribers can see more photos I made at the Sharp Farm at the bottom of this newsletter. Consider becoming a subscriber.
From the Archive

PhotoCamp Daily
Westerville no longer has a newspaper. Gannett, the owner of The Columbus Dispatch, shut down the associated weeklies earlier this year including the Westerville News and Public Opinion. The Public Opinion was published for 140 years. The only thing that remains is the collection at the Westerville History Museum. Maureen Dowd of The New York Times published Requiem for the Newsroom this week lamenting the loss of how news gets done. I understand.
Tom Puskar retired last week. You don’t know him but I do He will be missed by Ashland newspaper readers. If there are any left.
I went for a ride in Paris yesterday. I might go to Sao Paulo today.
I use a lot of pens. The one I use the most isn’t on this list.