Fool That I Am
This was the ground-level view of the corn with the sunset behind it in today’s My Final Photo. It’s pleasant but not as storytelling as My Final.
It’s difficult to know that is corn in the wagon unless you’ve seen corn in a grain wagon. You could probably guess about the sunset because of the color but it could be a different light source with similar colors.
I did what any good news photographer would do. Climbed a six-foot aluminum ladder propped against the side of the eight-foot-tall cold steel wagon. Took off my gloves to manipulate three cameras in the 26-degree weather with a chilling wind. Shot wide-angle. normal angle and telephoto. Variety of f-stops to change the depth of field. Varied the horizon to include trees and cars or to exclude all of the background. Closeup view of corn so it could be recognized. With the sunset.
Then did it all again from a different angle because the corn’s horizon wasn’t level and equal.
Stil 26 degrees, no gloves, and three cameras.
Available light.
Wish someone would have come along and gotten a photo of me balancing on too short of a ladder holding with one hand onto a steel wagon, working cameras with the other, and using my elbows to keep me anchored to the wagon while switching cameras and focal lengths and the cameras falling into the corn when switching from one to the other.
Maybe next time.