History Coming To An End
If you’ve been to the Westerville History Museum in the last couple of days you would have noticed a few changes. They are subtle but important.
The cases at the entrance to the museum have been repaired with new sheathing and await the painter. These are the first of many changes as the museum reconfigures the exhibit space for new displays. The Westerville News will have an article soon about the changes.
Primary among the changes is “Accidental History”, an exhibit with 75 of my photographs, which will be taken down and put into storage.
I was first approached about the project in December of 2019 by Nina Thomas, then the museum manager. It took several months to sort through more than ten years of photos for the exhibit that has been up for about 18 months. The selections were made by the museum and library staff.
Over the next couple of weeks I’ll tell you a little about some of the photos and their inclusion in the exhibit. The museum is open Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 6 pm with an hour lunch break on Saturday from 1 pm to 2 pm.