Made an interesting choice of photos Tuesday for My Final Photo. I had all the required photos from Ellis Kauffman’s funeral procession including a drone photo of the Model A Club’s cars in a semi-circle outside the funeral home. Also photos of the cars passing the Holmes Hotel, a line of Model A’s at the cemetery, and the club members in their jackets.
My choice for My Final Photo ignores the requisite coverage of a funeral. I don’t know the family but learned of the funeral and the Model A entourage through a mutual friend who invited me.
This photo is reminiscent of the riderless horse used in some military funerals. There is a certain irony that the Model A was an early contributor to the change in transportation that took the horse off the road.
It would have been easy to stop shooting after photos in front of the Holmes Hotel. Plus, I had the drone photo of the cars lined up outside the funeral home. That alone is unique and a good newspaper photo to highlight the story.
Didn’t know what photos I might find at the cemetery but glad I went. Tried to keep out of the way, shooting at a distance or behind cover. I did open the passenger side door to make this photo. Shot it as a normal frame and also with multiple frames for an HDR version. Preferred the normal frame for composition and the dynamic range of my Z5 combined with Adobe Camera Raw and Luminar Neo made it possible to hold both shadows and highlights. It was helpful that it was a cloudy day.
PhotoCamp Daily
SportsShooter is older than Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and MySpace. It’s older than some countries - Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, and South Sudan. In web years (like dog years but much shorter) it’s ready for retirement. If you’re a photographer older than the youngest BTS singer it’s a safe bet you started your social media contact on a bulletin board like SportShooter. Sorry to see you go. Was anyone there?
I’m often asked if I still shoot film. “Rarely” is the answer. It’s going to become even more rare. Blame it on Kodak or Kodak’s distributors.
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