The Almosts and Maybes
Take Me To School
I’ve been working for a couple of years to get a good photo of buses lined up in front of Hanby Elementary as the kids are released from school. After today, I’m still working on it.
It’s not something I’ve spent a lot of time planning. time hanging around the school specifically to get this angle with side light. I usually don’t worry about getting a photo here until later in the spring when the trees and flowers are green.
Today the light was great. Clear skies, no wind, and buses. Before I could maneuver the drone into the proper position the buses began to pull away leaving gaps in the procession. I’m going back tomorrow and as soon as the leaves appear.
Street Trickery
Worked a variety of angles, a variety of lenses, and a variety of exposures with a couple of skateboarders in Uptown Wednesday. One photo became My Final Photo but I had several that didn’t quite work as planned.
The photo above was shot w1/60th of a second at f22 to give the star effect around the sun. The sun is great but the background is very cluttered and the skater blends into it.
More skater photos below.