Trying Accomplishment
I’m working on a personal project and one of the assignments I’ve given myself is challenging. Challenging to the degree that I am having great difficulty getting it done.
Challenged myself this evening by taking advantage of the rain and of the light being relatively well-balanced between sky and ground.
Thought the added element of the rain would be useful as a new piece of the composition and setting. Used different lenses, different exposures, different everything.
Part of my problem is that the idea is experimental. It lacks form. It lacks design. I’m caught in that design versus functionality trap. Neither yet exists in this attempt to make a photo for the project.
It might be that my idea is too nebulous to take on form. Too much like ephemeral architecture temporarily standing just out of reach of my creativity. It appears and then is gone as I work through solutions.
This is not new territory for me. It’s a technique I use every day when looking for photographs. Form and function. Composition. Evocative. It’s part of every press of the shutter. Every moment captured. Sometimes to success. Most times not.
Perhaps the accomplishment in this challenge is in the trying. Attempting something different, something that is difficult, something that offers great opportunity to fail with greater reward for success.
Perhaps trying is the assignment.